
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

311 tsunami height and flood map

 The maximum observed tsunami height of 311 was 21.1 m, and the maximum observed tsunami runup height was 43.3 m.

Amplitude and Run-up
Tsunami Run-up height

 Tsunami waves run-up hills after its reach of sea shore.

 The followings picutures are example flood maps at 13m height flood. You can check whether your places are safe or not.

Flood maps,139.8560&z=9&m=13

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

earthquake map

Hi-net Hypocenter Maps
Earthquake locations for the past 30 days accumulative map.

Hi-net earthquake hypocenter map

 Kanto(Tokyo are) and Tohoku (Northerneast area of Japan) have had more and larger earthquakes than west part of Japan from the past 40years or more. Recently, Kanto and Tohoku areas develop a strong tendency to have more and larger earthquake than before 2011.
 Some people in Japan east area evacuate to west part, if they can. However, most of the people can not, because of their business and other social environment.

Monday, January 28, 2013

number of earthquake in Japan

  The below graphs represent the number of earthquake observed (earthquake intensity (a Japanese earthquake standard) >= 1 ) with respect to magnitude in Japan in 2010 ~ 2012 Dec..

  Total number of recorded earthquakes (earthquake intensity (a Japanese earthquake standard) >= 1 )
  year : # earthquake in Japan
  2010 : 1313.
  2011 : 10485
  2012 : 3140


 these graph come from the following site,
shaking Japan islands :

 Some of the earthquake researchers says that Japan will have another big one in the near future, and the goverment is preparing for it.

earthquake in Japan

 There are so many earthquakes in Japan after the big earthquake on March 11th 2013 at Tohoku area.
The earth crust enter into dynamic change period. This web page will have Japanese information about the followings disasters.

- Earthquake
 - News
 - Prediction

- Tsunami, Flood

- Volcano